Dear all,
firstly my setup:
laptop running latest Recalbox build (download 23/12/2024)
arcade cabinet with setup:
1 4-axis joystick per player
6 buttons per player
4 'menu' buttons on the cabinet
1 insert coin button
1 p1 and 1 p2 button
I've got an Ipac2 (post 2015) on the latest firmware.
when I hook it up (d-input selected) recalbox recognised 2 controllers,
(this is the good part )
firstly i go to configure and press a button on my left p1 side of the arcarde: works perfectly I can go trough the settings and map every button as intended.
now for the bad part: Player 2
again i go to configure controller -> it asks me to push a button:
- i push a button on P2 side -> nothing happens, I try another and the setup menu opens as intended.
at this point fe my joysticks cant be mapped to the dpad or other stuff.
but: when I push a button i want to map I see the 2nd controller icon blinking in the top left corner
it looks like it already has some config for this controller but i cant seem to overwrite / edit this.
(I've already done a factory reset of Recalbox = same result)
does anyone have an idea which steps i can take to resolve this issue?