@voljega , Yeah thanks but iam posting because i need help only to run a bash script before start recallbox system, that is not about my phone, i only need know, how i can start recalbox in line command turning off graphics menu, by a bashscript or configuration nvm and the rest of alot work i do.
Posts made by Fernando Stteffen
RE: [4.0.0] Own script before start
RE: [4.0.0] Own script before start
A Timer to shutdown the system for limit play time of my childreans
RE: [4.0.0] Own script before start
keyboard, i just need run a bash script like:
echo "Please enter some input: "
read input_variable
echo "You entered: $input_variable"and pause system until user input that
[4.0.0] Own script before start
Hello, i need create a personal script in my recalbox, it need wait user input information before start recalbox/emustation . i tried to put my bash script in init.d but that run in background and the user can't se terminal. anyone can help-me ? thankz