I forgot to translate the title, sorry.
Thanks for the feedback
I forgot to translate the title, sorry.
Thanks for the feedback
Friends, would anyone please tell me how to configure a keyboard in the game? (eg I want to configure the games in querty). The settings I make never work for the keyboard (NeoGeo and Mame). Help me please, thanks!
Obrigado pela ajuda, até ante-ontem eu estava acessando a lista de salas normalmente, desde ontem que as salas sumiram, enfim, acredito que seja algo pontual. De qualquer forma obrigado!
Thanks for the help, until yesterday I was accessing the list of rooms normally, since yesterday that the rooms disappeared, anyway, I believe it is something punctual. Anyway thank you!
Prezados, boa tarde
Ontem tentei abrir uns jogos via NetPlay e infelizmente nao encontrei salas disponiveis, Alguem sabe se o recurso está indisponivel por prazo indeterminado?