@substring I hope this is what you want:
Thanks a lot in advance, my friend!
@substring I hope this is what you want:
Thanks a lot in advance, my friend!
@substring Wow. So that's good to know. Thank you! All the time spent was wasted ^^ Do you have any insight on what might help?
@zing I did exactly that and it boggles me that the booting and the menu works perfectly fine - so it doesn't really make sense that it wouldn't work with default video mode since it means as far as I understand that the resolution isn't changed. I also tested everything with and without aspect ratio "auto".
Dear Recalbox Community,
When I start any emulator - I get a blackscreen. The monitor I have has the following properties:
Size: 15.4"
Aspect Ratio: 16:10
When I use tvservice. Independent of what command I use, I get the output:
tvservice "code":1, "width":1280, "height":800
I tried a variety of "global.videomode=XXX". Different "CEA X HDMI" modes and all the "DMT X HDMI" modes that should be the resolution of 1440x900 and 1280x800.
I also changed the Aspect Ratio from "auto" to "16/10" on all the modes.
What should I do?