Hey there everyone, I'm experiencing some problems every time I turn on my Recalbox machine (latest stable version on a Rpi3): after 5 or 10 minutes of playing, the screen goes suddenly black with no audio. Worst case scenario - something that happens most of the time - everything stays like that and I have to turn off the console. If I'm lucky, the audio is still missing but the screen turns back on, albeit with weird artifacts as shown in the pics. Now, if I reboot the console, I experience the same problem, but this time right during the boot sequence, as you can see.
I'm not sure this is a Recalbox related issue, or if it's my Rpi dying, my SD Card corrupting, my HDMI cable having some issue or my monitor going berserk. Any idea what's going on?
By the way, no overclocking, and I play games through a usb key.
Thank you guys for your help!