Solved i changed the core of mame in advanced options.
Thank you for the great release, excellent work
Solved i changed the core of mame in advanced options.
Thank you for the great release, excellent work
"Insert coin button is not working" in Mame games so they are impossible to play even using key "5" of my keyboard. Fba and Fba lbretro games seems to be ok and the "select" is working.
I thought with 13.07.18 update that issue was solved infact it was coming out with the previous upgrade but nothing.
Maybe i've done something wrong, can you help me please?
The same thing for me. "insert coin button is not working" Mame games are impossible to play even using key "5" of my keyboard.
I thought with 13.07.18 update that issue was solved but nothing.
I have the same problem of jellyjam. I've erased the alekfull folder and now recalbox doesn't start anymore.
Is it possible a factory reset or a recovery ?
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Ho un problema nella configurazione del mio x arcade con all interno raspberry pi3 e recalbox 4.0. Ho provato a configurare i tasti attraverso il menu, visto che pur riconoscendomi i due joystick del tankstick non funzionavano correttamente i tasti. Ma il risultato è che ora non riesco nemmeno più ad accedere al menu. Dalla schermata di recalbox riesco a far partire i giochi usando il joystick 1 e i tasti del joystick 2.
Il tasto hotkey non va, quello dei menù nemmeno, non riesco a far partire nemmeno kodi. Qualcuno può aiutarmi?
Il tankstick l ho comprato già modificato con due prese usb esterne una ethernet e una hdmi.