TIC-80 Fantasy-Console - possible?
Hello everybody,
just wanted to ask in the round, if someone has already managed to install TIC-80 via Recalbox?
TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for creating, playing and sharing small games similar to PICO-8. There are built-in tools for development: code, sprites, maps, sound editors and a command line. Everything that is enough to create a mini-retro game.
PICO-8 is definitely possible and works so far via Recalbox. A tutorial is available in @voljega github repository: https://github.com/Voljega/pico84recalbox/blob/master/README.md
On my Pocketchip TIC-80 works very well (arm): https://bbs.nextthing.co/t/tic-80-on-pocketchip/18677/11
TIC-80 can be downloaded free of charge (free donation) at the following link: https://nesbox.itch.io/tic
I've already created themes for both consoles. I can also provide these if desired:
@korni well the first step is to make sure that there is a build of TIC-80 for Raspberry Pi, I don't see one is there one ?
I think. It's a build for arm. It run perfectly on my Pocketchip which has an arm-processor like raspberry pi.
There is a build: Raspberry Pi is definitely supported: https://github.com/nesbox/TIC-80/wiki
Why not, maybe in a next release.
Is there an active community ?
Do you have a list of games ? -
@rockaddicted yeah the community seems pretty active, at least on twitter.
games are found and downloadable on the official site : https://tic.computer/play
Any news? @voljega Can you help me to integrate tic80?
@korni yeah, why not
give me a month though, I have some things to do and am pretty tired at the moment (so less free time)
@rockaddicted @substring would you be willing to integrate it officially ? I can do the work
@voljega Thank you so much! Take your time.
No time for this now. Their forum looks dead, i haven't looked yet about available free games.
If someone feels courageous enough to make:
- buildroot part
- theme part
- configgen part
We may merge it. But as for the core team, we can't scatter ourelves in such work for now, we are quite busy with our own work on recalbox for now
@substring no problem for the last two part I can start on that and bother you for the first one
@voljega tell us once configgen ready, and @Substring or me will add the buildroot part in our to do list.
There is news about the runnability of TIC-80. In the meantime, there is a libretro core. Maybe there is still the possibility to implement this? Even after two years, I have not given up my hopes.