Always this screen when play DosBox
I do all as the readme said and always appear this screen under the letter Z:
What I do wrong?
@charlesmarried it's difficult to know without seeing your dosbox.bat
more info on dosbox : I don't understand what your window is, are you even using Recalbox ?
@charlesmarried the z: is perfectly normal this is how dosbow handles its internal things.
byt you likely didn't put anything into dosbox.bat, you should at least have :
and then call the executable of your game like
WWif you have a WW.EXE file
So I have to put always
xxxx.exein a txt rename as dosbox.bat, all inside a folder rename as xxxx.pc and thatΒ΄s all?
Thank you
@charlesmarried did you even read the link I shared ?
no that's not all it will work for most games but not all of them
Hi again and thank you! I read all and I still having problems.
I put some screenshots...
What is bad? Always appears the Z: screen. It supposed to load automatically the game, isnt it?
Trank you!
@charlesmarried as I said before the Z: SCREEN IS NORMAL
but you see both your
command and the one after one the screen no ?and maybe something else
if not try to put a pause on the line after CRACK.EXE and show me a screenshotnow as you're using a cracked version, so I don't know how it is supposed to work, does it work on your windows pc ?
if it is alone in the dark my uncracked version launches INDARK.EXE, not CRACK.EXE
@charlesmarried yeah i retake some of what is aid because you are missing a few line which should appear event with en empty dosbox.bat :
Z:\>MOUNT C ".recalbox/share/roms/dos/alone.pc" Drive C is mounted as local directory recalbox/share/roms/dos/alone.pc Z:\>C: C:\>CALL DOSBOX.BAT
this should appear automatically so i'm a bit at a loss here, maybe check the permissions of your dosbox.bat file or that it is well named ?
calling a few other people who might have an idea : @Dragu ? @rockaddicted ?
Yes, there is a problem, you must not mount the local disk, it is done by dosbox. I suspect something else if he jump out from dosbox.bat.
Is your crack.exe perhaps a windows program and not a dos program ?
Very easy to see, just start him manually from the commandline. -
I still having problems, even with a Alone in the dark with INDARK.EXE
I do as you said, and dosbox dont recognized the C partition, even withouit with it in the dosbox.bat
Could you give me a .rar with the game configured even via PM? That i could see what am i doing wrong.
Stay on Z: and make one time "DIR"
He should show you your game files and also (cheese)crack(er).exe.
Now if it is the case, just start crack.exe and tell us what he says. -
@dragu no I think there is a problem,the lines i've quoted must appear even if dosbox.bat is empty, it is the internal mounting by dosbox, and then the explicit call to dosbox.bat.
So in case something seems wrong even before dosbox.bat is called
@charlesmarried it is forbidden to post link or ask for copyrighted content on the forum, so please respect that
@charlesmarried try with
MOUNT C "./recalbox/share/roms/dos/alone.pc"
I can mount
as you said and appears in DIR all the archives of the game, but when I type INDARK.EXE this appears:
Thank you again @voljega
@charlesmarried ok so the full content of your DOSBOXBAT should be :
MOUNT C "./recalbox/share/roms/dos/alone.pc" C: imgmount d .\cd\alone1.cue -t cdrom pause c: INDARK
you may have to rename the cue file in the cd subdir to alone1.cue, the bin file to alone1.bin and edit the content of the cue file : first line should refer to the right bin name alone1.bin :
FILE "alone1.bin" BINARY
all bin and cue names should use lowercase and nothing else
The pause command should indicate you if the mount of the cd went well
Thank you! Tomorrow I will try, now is late. Thank You.
In the dosbox.bat it is not necessary to mount
Just if you make some manipulation outside from the dosbox.bat file.
The driveis automatically mounted before dosbox.bat started.
You can control this very easy if you make a small dosbox.bat with just the linesCLS DIR/P EXIT
or just this to see what he does, this 1 line dosbox.bat
Even when you are starting dosbox.bat on Z: he will display you the directory in