That freakin' MAME samples folder!
Hello everyone, This is my first post here so I just wanted to start by saying thank you to @retroboy, Aloshi (ES), and the rest of the community that helps with this project! Out of all the different "retro" OS's (and I have tried five) this is by far the most stable, easiest to implement/configure, and most professional out of the bunch (e.g., no ugly terminal text at startup, and in-between games, configure controls via gui for all systems, etc.). Even things like custom scripts such as easily running Emulation Station at 720p, but having games at VGA resolution for slight speed increase (on some games) via a tweak in the cfg file is just perfect, especially for me, as I have a rev 1.0 Model B with 256MB of RAM! I could go on… but I’ll just say, congrats guys and thank you again! -I am very looking forward to 3.30! </adulation> ;-D Now, why I’m posting… I’m hoping to get some help and clarification on a couple issues I have been having –I’ll probably just end up making separate threads for everything to avoid confusion; the first one has to do with iMAME4ALL sound samples… I have been scouring the wiki (here and other pi “retro” distro’s) as to where I put the “samples” folder with the zipped sound samples!!! I have tried: …/mame/samples …/mame/mame/samples …/system /samples …/system/mame/samples …/bios/samples …/bios/mame/samples In Windows, you place the zips in “…\retroarch\system\mame\samples” and sound works… I cannot get those, same, zipped files in to work in Recalbox… HELP Please! –Silent Zaxxon is just disappointing tl;dr: Hi, thanks for Recalbox. Where do I put MAME “samples” folder?