Scraping & User Decides Conflicts Enhancement
I'm wondering if the Scraping feature can be enhanced or have me understand the 'User Decide Conflicts' option.
If I have the User Decided Conflicts turned off, the Scraper will automatically pick the first game in the multiple result game listing to download the art image and information.
But if I have the User Decides Conflicts turned ON, and regardless if the file name is spelled EXACTLY like one of the items in the result game listing or if there is ONLY 1 game in the result game list, that it still requires human intervention to manually select it in which I have to go through each and every rom game for me to select.Anyway to update this feature that if the file name of the rom game is spelled exactly like the result game listing that it gets from game name OR if it Scraper returns only 1 result that it will automatically pick that game and move onto the next game for Scraping.
I have over 500 roms in a single platform and to manually go through each one with the User Decides Conflicts turned on is taking up way too much of my time.
@tdelios Indeed "User Decides Conflicts" option is buggy and will need a fix, someday...
If you are using screenscraper DB you shouldn't have false positive answers even with this option disabled. So you will be able to automatically scrape without any manual action.