[RETROPIE THEME - PORT POSIBILITY] Cardboard Mini NES + Nes mini and Famicom mini themes
Hello. I have a quick question regarding the $system variable in recalbox. Can anyone tell me if you can use the '$system' variable within the include tag.
For example something like:
The ability to do this is now being added to retropie and it would be useful when porting my theme if the same was possible also in recalbox.
In regards to my last post I think I may have just found the answer in the themes.md file and it looks like it's possible so that will make porting easier. (I should have looked more carefully).
@helpman said in [RETROPIE THEME - PORT POSIBILITY] Cardboard Mini NES + Nes mini and Famicom mini themes:
Hi! I just bought a nes case for my pi3, and I'll be here just waiting for that port too
I just LOVE the nes theme @ruckage made... crossing fingers for recalbox port
Port is definitely coming, I've been reworking things in the retropie version to make porting to recalbox and then maintaining both in the future easier.
maybe @supernature2k can give you a helping hand
@ruckage said in [RETROPIE THEME - PORT POSIBILITY] Cardboard Mini NES + Nes mini and Famicom mini themes:
Port is definitely coming, I've been reworking things in the retropie version to make porting to recalbox and then maintaining both in the future easier.
Great news!!!
@ruckage seeing your theme on Recalbox would be amazing, I Like RetroPie but I simply adore Recalbox's configuration menus inside the ES menu wich RetroPie does not has, seeing SPECIALLY your SNES mini theme with its many variants playing in Recalbox wich has under theme settings the GUI menus to change each aspect of the theme would be awesome, think about it; you go to UI settings > Theme settings and there you can change the EU and US variants under the style menu and the background under the background menu man... that would rock
Other themes that might be helped by the Recalbox theme settings would be the NeoGeo mini theme and.... if you do it maybe a PSOne mini theme
Also lilbud's Switch theme would be benefited of those options
By the way: I suggest for Recalbox and your SNES theme if you ever port it for Recalbox to not implement your very own controller action icons into the themes but use Recalbox's ones with a font matching colors and either the default or the SNES inputs since those are already implemented in ES and also the accept / cancel inputs are switched
Absolutely, the ability to adjust the theme settings within Recalbox instead of via the config.xml will be implemented as It's great feature and one I wish was included in Retropie myself.
The custom control icons I use are to maintain the look of the theme so I'd really like to use them but I'll see - they could also be optional.Sadly a port of the NeoGeo mini theme wouldn't currently be possible as unless I'm mistaken Recalbox doesn't support any kind of Grid View (correct me if I'm wrong). the same will be true for the gridview carousel mode I'm adding to the Snes mini theme.
@ruckage I see,I really love your themes, keep the great job, by the way I must admit: I love your NeoGeo mini theme, it is a clean UI and nice
@ruckage any news? I'm very exicted! Thanks for this job!
@ruckage Could you tell us the state of the port? We are excited for it. Thanks!
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2 years asking the author to make a conversion.
It seems to me that if you want the theme, you will have to change to Retropie.