Recalbox 9 on nespi 3 with rpi3b, very instable or doesnt' boot at all
Hi all,
My nespi with rpi3b perfectly works with 8.0.2 on 32gb sc card.Tried fresh install on an identical card, then other brand same capacity, then same brand 64gb, recalbx 9 soetimes starts, with intermitent black screens, sometimes, freeze, and sometimes (now actually...) never boot.
I have tried to change charger, controllers, hdmi cables, but as 8.0.2 perfectly works, i have no clue what's the problem,
please help!
@romrom77 I had the exact same problem. Same Pi, same case. I was going crazy trying to figure it out. Long story short, it’s the case. I plugged my micro usb power source directly into the pi instead of the case’s bypass and it solved all my issues. I just cut a small hole in the back of the case and plug the power direct now, I have an on off button on the power cable. It makes the front button unusable (at least the power light still works…) but you’ll have a working pi again. I’ll eventually get a new case, but for now it works
Same for me.
upgrade on same card; not workingScreen goes black.
From imager_1.7.4, I installed the Raspberry OS and had no pb to get something on the screen.
RecalBox re-installed, wizard creates 3 drives on my SD card, but still no luck.
Happy with anyone who can provide link to download previous Recolbox version.
Thanks -
A reply to myself and for all user.
Solution exists: in RECALBOX partition, replace file recalbox-user-config.txt by version you can find here:
I did it and reboot. it works like a charm! -