Recallbox compatibility with Rasp Pi 4
I am very sorry if I am disturbing someone with this stupid question. I just created a recall box with a Pi 4 because I read on the website that now includes a PS2 emulator. Unfortunately I can't find a rom folder for it. I also already checkt the forum for a clear unswer, but I didn´t found one ether. Is a PS2 emulator included in the current Recallbox version or not? Thanks in advance.
Best Reg
Kain -
@LianKain hello
the PS2 is already included for several releases, but only on PC. A RPi4 is not powerfull enough to enjoy this system. -
@Scavy Thats realy a pity. Thanks a lot for the quick answer.
admin 29 Sept 2023, 00:00