Cant get RGB Dual to work :(
short question, since yesterday im also proud owner for the RGB DUAL, but i dont get it to work.
I pushed it to my Raspberry Pi 3B and connected the scart cable. Then i connected it to my CRT TV and startet it up, but the screen stays black.
Small flickering when i start the Pi but not as you would see a picture or somethingI already tried after reading the manual to change the switch to 50Hz from Auto, but also no success.
Also removed the NESPi Case completley, same result. Tested aswell PiMiGA image on the Pi400 and also doesnt work (for sure the 8.1 Recalbox aswell, PiMiGA only in addition)
Any idea?
I didnt get any picture on screen, 2 different Pi (3B) and Pi 400 on my old CRT with Scart cable.
Tested aswell a second Scart cable, same result. -
Tested several things, with other cable, with cinch. Always the same results.
When i connected it to my LED TV with SCART to HDMI adapter its working. But to be honest, then it makes no sense for me. As i buyed it to connect the Pi to my CRT. -
@jonny0r hi
i suggest yo go on the discord and ask for your problem :
See you -
Thank you for that
Im already there, but till now no solution
tried it here at the same time, perhaps somebody has an good idea