I just updated to recalbox 7.2 and now I cannot pair my 8bitdo SN30 pro+ controllers. Before the update the controllers worked perfectly. I updated the firmware on controllers, cleared all pairings on controller/recalbox and tried to pair with all the different modes, no success. Any ideas? Anyone else have the same issue?
7.2 can no longer pair 8bitdo SN30 pro+ controllers
I just updated to recalbox 7.2 and now I cannot pair my 8bitdo SN30 pro+ controllers. Before the update the controllers worked perfectly. I updated the firmware on controllers, cleared all pairings on controller/recalbox and tried to pair with all the different modes, no success. Any ideas? Anyone else have the same issue?
Im having same problem. Also snes games are no booting system crash and kodi dont plays any video ?local or streaming) just black screen. This seems more a beta than stable release.
I ve experienced the same.
To solve the issue: dowgrade the 8bitdo FW until v4.0
Should works -
el mismo problema tengo, no le encuentro solucion
Also my x-arcade tank stick is no longer working as good as it was on 7.1.1, some MAME games are not booting system crash.
@olivierdroid92 said in 7.2 can no longer pair 8bitdo SN30 pro+ controllers:
I ve experienced the same.
To solve the issue: dowgrade the 8bitdo FW until 1.33.
Should worksHow? the updater firmware only goes back to V3.00???? very frustrating
voy a volver a la versión anterior. una porquería es la nueva versión. asco
is there a way to go back to 7.1.1??? I will do it in a second
@erokx tenia grabado una imagen respaldo antes de actualizar
I am having the same issue, I updated this afternoon and now none of my controllers work. Is there any way to go back to 7.1.1?
With 8bitdo widow's software it's possible to downgrade the firmware.
Try with v4.00.
Sorry about v1.33 from yesterday . I was confused with sn30 pro vs sn30 pro plus.
It was working for me -
I ran into this problem earlier today. It seems I had originally paired the controller in Nintendo switch mode by waking it up with [start]+[Y]. I had to re-pair the controller in D-mode by deleting the controller from recalbox, wait for it to go to sleep, put recalbox in pairing mode, then wake it up in D-input mode by pressing [start]+[B] and immediately press the pair button at the top of the controller
@olivierdroid92 said in 7.2 can no longer pair 8bitdo SN30 pro+ controllers:
With 8bitdo widow's software it's possible to downgrade the firmware.
Try with v4.00.
Sorry about v1.33 from yesterday . I was confused with sn30 pro vs sn30 pro plus.
It was working for meHi, I downgraded the firmware and can get to pair but then the controller still does NOT function during gameplay.
I have tried all 4 modes with various firmware and sometimes I can get a pairing, but the controller does NOT function during gameplay.
Does anyone have a solution? this is very frustrating! -
@erokx can you please try with 'system driver'
Instead of 'automatic'
Please pear your controller with B+START all the tmes -
@erokx can you please try with 'system driver'
Instead of 'automatic'
Please pear your controller with B+START all the tmes -
I have the same issue, I tried the system driver, and it partially works, but there are all kinds of errors. Buttons won't map right in game but are right in menu, hot key doesn't work (randomly changes through shaders), and can't exit emulator. This is with SN30 pro+, on system driver, with B+Start (Android pairing mode).
@olivierdroid92 said in 7.2 can no longer pair 8bitdo SN30 pro+ controllers:
@erokx can you please try with 'system driver'
Instead of 'automatic'
Please pear your controller with B+START all the tmesI tried this and I do get a pairing, but with all the issues described by @SkySlicer
PSX games completely unplayable. Any other ideas? Anyone get a fix yet?? -
sound strange as all works fine on my pi4.
Try 'reset factory' but you will lost some custum settings -
@GabyLove Podrias compartir esa imagen para los que hemos actualizado sin tener la precuacion de crear un backup?
@olivierdroid92 said in 7.2 can no longer pair 8bitdo SN30 pro+ controllers:
sound strange as all works fine on my pi4.
Try 'reset factory' but you will lost some custum settingsHi, I reset to factory, still not working. Same issues, it pairs and works in menus, but does not function in game. Have you tried to play any games (psx, megadrive) with the pro+ in 7.2?