Resize the image of the games
Hi wanted to know if you can resize the image that represents each game, to put bigger and if you can remove the text describing the game. Thank you.
Hi Jorge, it is possible. In the "...Themes/YOURTHEME" Folder are any system Folders (example for GameBoy Color=...Themes/simplelight/gbc). There is a theme.xml inside that you can modify the Position and size. To get write access to this folder (Recalbox 4.0.0), lokk here Search for: image name="md_image" <pos xx xx pos> <size xx xx size> <maxsize xx xx maxsize> example <pos 0.12 0.2 pos> <size 0.7 0.7 size> <maxsize 0.7 0.7 maxsize> This entry replace or resize "only" the image. description and voting....i will have a look first, then i edit this reply. Sorry for my bad english greetings abunille EDIT: From the following positions (pos), replace 0.xx to 100.xx (then the Ratings, Players, Descriptions etc. goes out of the TV screen. I Dont know what happens, when you delete the text. Here is my example with 100.xx <text name="md_lbl_rating"> <pos>100.176 100.21</pos> </text> <text name="md_lbl_releasedate"> <pos>100.176 100.25</pos> </text> <text name="md_lbl_developer"> <pos>100.176 100.29</pos> <size>0.133 0.04</size> </text> <text name="md_lbl_publisher"> <pos>100.176 100.33</pos> <size>0.133 0.04</size> </text> <text name="md_lbl_genre"> <pos>100.176 100.37</pos> </text> <text name="md_lbl_players"> <pos>100.176 100.41</pos> </text> <text name="md_lbl_lastplayed"> <pos>100.176 100.45</pos> </text> <text name="md_lbl_playcount"> <pos>100.176 100.49</pos> </text> <text name="md_lbl_favorite"> <pos>100.176 100.53</pos> </text> <text name="md_favorite"> <pos>100.309 100.53</pos> </text> <text name="md_playcount"> <pos>100.309 100.49</pos> </text> <datetime name="md_lastplayed"> <pos>100.309 100.45</pos> </datetime> <text name="md_players"> <pos>100.309 100.41</pos> </text> <text name="md_genre"> <pos>100.309 100.37</pos> <size>0.24 0.04</size> </text> <text name="md_publisher"> <pos>100.309 100.33</pos> <size>0.24 0.04</size> </text> <text name="md_developer"> <pos>100.309 100.29</pos> <size>0.24 0.04</size> </text> <datetime name="md_releasedate"> <pos>100.309 100.25</pos> </datetime> <rating name="md_rating"> <pos>100.309 100.216</pos> <size>0.028 0.028</size> <filledPath>./../art/star_filled_spacing.svg</filledPath> <unfilledPath>./../art/star_hollow_3_spacing.svg</unfilledPath> </rating> <text name="md_description"> <size>0.52 0.3</size> <pos>100.025 100.577</pos> </text>