[Résolu]Manette ZIppy Bartop Probleme
Hello je viens de finir de rebrancher les cables de mes manettes Zippy par interface USB. J ai ensuite configuré les boutons et manettes Tout marche nickel sauf une direction de la manette du player 02 : en haut a gauche de biais c'est un peu genant pour les jeux genre street fighter pas de saut en avant vers la gauche... est ce que quelqu un a une idée du souci, probleme de config? probleme materiel? # System Variable # You can configure your recalbox from here # To set a variable, remove the first ; on the line # ------------ A - System Options ----------- # ## Recalbox Manager (http manager) system.manager.enabled=1 ## Pre-boot splash system.splash.enable=0 ## EmulationStation menu style ## default -> default all options menu ## none -> no menu except the game search menu ## bartop -> less menu, only needed for bartops system.es.menu=default ## Emulator special keys ## default -> default all special keys ## nomenu -> cannot popup the emulator menu ## none -> no special keys in emulators system.emulators.specialkey=default ## Show or hide kodi in emulationstation (0,1) kodi.enabled=1 ## Start kodi at launch (0,1) kodi.atstartup=0 ## set x button shortcut (0,1) kodi.xbutton=1 # ------------ B - Network ------------ # ## Set system hostname system.hostname=RECALBOX ## Activate wifi (0,1) wifi.enabled=0 ## Wifi SSID (string) ;wifi.ssid=new ssid ## Wifi KEY (string) ;wifi.key=new key # ------------ C - Audio ------------ # ## Set the audio device (auto, hdmi, jack) audio.device=auto ## Set system volume (0..100) audio.volume=90 ## Enable or disable system sounds in ES (0,1) audio.bgmusic=1 # -------------- D - Controllers ----------------- # # Enable support for standard bluetooth controllers controllers.bluetooth.enabled=1 ## Please enable only one of these # -------------- D1 - PS3 Controllers ------------ # ##Enable PS3 controllers support controllers.ps3.enabled=1 ## Choose an driver beetween official, shanwan and gasia if you have dualshock clones (official,shanwan,gasia) controllers.ps3.driver=official # ------------ D2 - XBOX Controllers ------------ # ## Xbox controllers are already supported, but xboxdrv can solve some compatibility issues ## Enable xboxdrv driver, disable this if you enabled ps3 controllers (0,1) controllers.xboxdrv.enabled=0 ## Set the amount of controllers to use with xboxdrv (0..4) controllers.xboxdrv.nbcontrols=2 # ------------ D3 - GPIO Controllers ------------ # ## GPIO Controllers ## enable controllers on GPIO with mk_arcarde_joystick_rpi (0,1) controllers.gpio.enabled=0 ## mk_gpio arguments, map=1 for one controller, map=1,2 for 2 (map=1,map=1,2) controllers.gpio.args=map=1,2 ## DB9 Controllers ## Enable DB9 drivers for atari, megadrive, amiga controllers (0,1) controllers.db9.enabled=0 ## db9 arguments controllers.db9.args=map=1 ## Gamecon controllers ## Enable gamecon controllers, for nes, snes psx (0,1) controllers.gamecon.enabled=0 ## gamecon_args controllers.gamecon.args=map=1 # ------------ F - Language and keyboard ------------ # ## Set the language of the system (fr_FR,en_US,en_GB,de_DE,pt_BR,es_ES,it_IT,eu_ES) system.language=fr_FR ## set the keyboard layout (fr,en,de,us,es) ;system.kblayout=us ## Set you local time ## Select your timezone from : ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/ (string) ;system.timezone=Europe/Paris # ------------ G - UPDATES ------------ # ## Automatically check for updates at start (0,1) updates.enabled=1 # ------------ H - HERE IT IS - GLOBAL EMULATOR CONFIGURATION ------------ # ## The global value will be used for all emulators, exept if the value ## is redifined in the emulator ## Set game resolution for emulators ## select your mode from the command : tvservice -m [MODE] ## CEA 5 HDMI : 1920x1080 @ 60Hz 16:9, clock:74MHz interlaced ## CEA 4 HDMI : 1280x720 @ 60Hz 16:9, clock:74MHz progressive ## use 'default' for using the default resolution ## (string) global.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI ## Shader set ## Automatically select shaders for all systems ## (none, retro, scanlines) global.shaderset=none ## Set gpslp shader for all emulators (prefer shadersets above). Absolute path (string) global.shaders= ## Set ratio for all emulators (auto,4/3,16/9,16/10,custom) global.ratio=auto ## Set smooth for all emulators (0,1) global.smooth=1 ## Set rewind for all emulators (0,1) global.rewind=0 ## Set retroarch input driver (auto, udev, sdl2) ## If you don't have issues with your controllers, let auto global.inputdriver=auto ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for all emulators (string) ;global.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg # ------------ I - EMULATORS CHOICES ----------- # ## You can override the global configuration here ## Here is the snes example ;snes.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI ;snes.core=snes9x_next ;snes.shaders=/recalbox/share/shaders/shaders_glsl/mysnesshader.gplsp ;snes.ratio=16/9 ;snes.smooth=0 ;snes.rewind=1 ;snes.emulator=libretro ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for the emulator : ;snes.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg ## The rewind option is deactivated by default on these unsupported cores (don't edit please) virtualboy.rewind=0 sega32x.rewind=0 segacd.rewind=0 psx.rewind=0 fbalibretro.rewind=0 vectrex.rewind=0 ## NeoGeo emulator ## You can use pifba or a libretro core (fba2x,libretro) neogeo.emulator=fba2x ## If you set libretro as neogeo.emulator, uncomment the line below and set the retroarch core (fba,imame4all) ;neogeo.core=fba ## N64 core (gliden64,n64,rice) ## The recommanded plugin is gliden64, but if your game is not compatible, you can try n64 or rice plugins. n64.core=gliden64 n64.videomode=DMT 9 HDMI ## If you are using a CRT screen, please change the setting above with this one : n64.videomode=DMT 9 HDMI merci team reacalbox et joyeuses fetes de noel
Bonjour tu es sûr de ton branchement de ton joystick pas de fil inversé ? tu as testé via jstest ou evtest voir si tu avais une inversion ? tu as surtout pas configurer le joueur 2 ? A verifier : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Xin-mo-(FR)
Hello Merci à toi pour ton retour! Entre temps j'ai écumé les forums et c'est sur celui de l hyperspin france que j'ai trouvé la solution. Il s'agit en fait d'un défaut de fabrication sur certains joysticks zippy. La position diagonale ne fonctionne pas, il faut enlever la pièce appelée réducteur : pièce verte en plastique et cela fonctionne!!!! Cest rapide Bon je vous laisse le lien cela peut toujours servir Defaut zippy
Bonnes fêtes à vous tous