OS for Retrogaming
Hello, last week i used for the first time a Rasperry Pi and installed for fun this OS "Recalbox". I didnt expect much from this small box, but this OS is amazing. It looks beautiful, it plays all the classics, i was so stunned! Now my question, does this OS work on normal PCs to? Because Rasperry Pi is a ARM device so i thought maybe Recalbox is maybe optimized or only for ARM. Usually i use Emulators on my Windows PC, but experiencing Recalbox OS really opened my eyes. I want that I just want more power then a regulary Rasperry Pi thats why i thought a normal PC with a good CPU and a nice grafic card could boost the performance especially for PSone or N64 games. Maybe even Dreamcast will work. So, is it possible to use it with a normal PC to boost performance? Or would you guys recommend a different solution? I really like what a saw there on the Rasprerry Pi. Thanks
Well Recalbox is an OS dedicated to the Raspberry Pi but it uses the frontend Emulation Station which you can use on PC too... But you'll have to configure a lot of things manually I think, Recalbox is dedicated to working out of the box even for people with not much knowledge in emulation but the standard Emulation Station, not so much