Amiga Issues on latest build
@voljega nope, sadly not. Just black screen with no Amiberry GUI on pressing F12, etc.
I have to goto Recalbox Manager on my PC, go to Roms and restart ES, to get back.
Is it particular with the type of UAE file?
Just tried 6 sets of WHDL & UAE or so that worked no issues on Retropie
@roman126 f**k you mean your uae are retropie's one and not empty ?
@voljega does this mean we are getting somewhere? embarrassed emoji
so just a empty file with the same filename.uae
Just tried it and it worked...........OMG
Sorry for all the hassle guys, i didnt realise the UAE files were specific to platforms & that a blank one was all that was needed for Recalbox, i`ll never get that time back!!!
@roman126 I'm really trying to stay polite there but fanck you very much for not mentioning that in the two day and a half I helped you and also no even bothering to read the recalbox documentation about amiga.
@voljega i did read the documentation, but it wasnt clear about a blank / empty UAE file, just mentioned UAE file.......apologies. But you solved my problem ! so thank you, and sorry for wasting your time.
@roman126 yeah not clear at all and only mentioned UAE file, of course
Usage :
You need an .uae file at the same level than the folder with the same name, two solutions :
Create an empty one
Use a custom one wich will allow you to tweak configuration of the emulator (see next paragraph) -
@voljega yeah, I thought the one I was using was a custom one