[18.03.16] Change resolution back when exiting Emu
Hi! I’ve succeeded in changing the resolution when booting into the emulators, but I cannot seem to get it to change back to the normal resolution when exiting back to the menu. I have the proper onstart and onend files but I’m not sure where to put them in Recalbox. Please point me in the right direction!!
@wadehavens my bad, that's a 18.03.16 bug i'm going to fix today. Meanwhile you can:
- do a support archive by goind to http://recalbox/help or http://recalbox.local/help
- edit the recalbox.conf and set
instead of CEA 4 HDMI. You may have a problem just with N64
If you still have problems, just ask
Thanks for your reply!
Just an FYI, I'm using the VGA666 setup with a custom hdmi_timings line @ 240p in the config.txt file. I don't know if this changes the way the resolution change acts or not.Just wanted to let you know in case there is another setting I need to use.
@wadehavens give a go to https://forum.recalbox.com/post/94295 meanwhile