This dos game is somewhere the sequel to Jill of the Jungle and finally not so bad, and action very good under dosbox and on PI. Music is pretty awesome if you imagine that it is in this few kilobytes. And you can switch it off
As there is no scraper files existing nowhere, I made something together with free art.
For the 2 files, picture must be copied to "downloaded_images" in dos folder and
the name "goddmars" adapted to your .pc folder for this game.
There is a second file with the text insert into gamelist.xml. You must stop ES during copy. Download Vinyl Goddess from mars
Vinyl goddess from mars
This dos game is somewhere the sequel to Jill of the Jungle and finally not so bad, and action very good under dosbox and on PI. Music is pretty awesome if you imagine that it is in this few kilobytes. And you can switch it off
As there is no scraper files existing nowhere, I made something together with free art.
For the 2 files, picture must be copied to "downloaded_images" in dos folder and
the name "goddmars" adapted to your .pc folder for this game.
There is a second file with the text insert into gamelist.xml. You must stop ES during copy. Download Vinyl Goddess from mars -
J'ai regardé quelques commentaires sur le jeu à youtube et en plusieurs langues. Les gens ne voient pas vraiement la base de ces jeux, qui ne sont rien d'autre que le persiflage des fameux B-Movies américains, que j'aime toujours ayant presque toute la collection. Des petits films de cinéma de province qui font plutôt rire, et pour cela sont si intéressant, souvent avec une frivolité innocente.
Pour les intéressés, rechercher "Elizabeth Kaitan", la vraie goddess des B-Movies d'antan.