[Recalbox] Changelog
voici les changelogs de recalbox.[4.1.0] - 2017-10-13 CHANGELOG
- Pad: added Microsoft Xbox One S & Elite default mapping
- fix regression in splash video for pi
- BT: no more permanent background scan, just powerup hci0
- Splash video for Odroid XU4 and C2 + updated recalbox splash logo
- Snes9x_next: added a rule to enable multitap support only if there is at least 3 gamepads connected
- B*mp virtual gamepad
- Add a script to easily update various package types
- PPSSPP: SNES-like pads can navigate in the menu + add retroarch-like combos
- X86: added xrandr to be able to manually manage video outputs
- X86: disabled screensaver (dpms)
- Commodore 64: added libretro-vice core (by default)
- X86: fixed issue that prevents retroarch shaders to work
- X86: fixed issue that stucks OpenGL on version 2.1
- Added DS4 and NES30 default config in es_inputs.cfg
- X86: now able to flash and boot x86 images on internal hard drive
- Updated libretro-cheats
- reicast: b*mp + fix RTC clock
- B*mp retroarch to solve pad reordering issue
- psp: saves now go to the right folder
- Enhanced gliden64 video plugin configuration
- Pad : added FuSa GamePad Version 0.3 (PSP homebrew) default mapping
- Added noobs integration in archive images
- New review upgrade system
- New video render for retroarch: dispmanx (pi only)
- B*mped Mupen64plus-GlideN64 video plugin to the Public Release 2.0
- Fixed joystick sensitivity issue with mupen64plus
- MAJOR BLUETOOTH CHANGE: users upgrading from 4.0 MUST PAIR AGAIN their controllers
- BT: add a manual fix for xiaomi gamepad
- deploys updates as docker containers
- fixed a BT scan bug
- b*mp configgen : remove moonlight config files before writing them + 5th moonlight player, remove commas in pad name
- BlueMSX: added F3/F4 buttons on gamepad
- BlueMSX: added .dsk files support
- Amstrad CPC (libretro-cap32 core): Fixed gamepads support + 2 players support + GUI menu
- fixed Nintendo Wiimote sending multiples events
- fix saving recalbox.conf when the same key exists multiple times
- Pad: add idroid default mapping
- added recalbox as default CEC name on rpi
- improve moonlight package
- rewrite usb quirks
- odroic c2: enable H264 hardware decoding
- xarcade: delay the startup of the driver
- xarcade: disable predefined combo keys
- remove unwanted Kodi plugins
- fix upgrade 4.0 -> 4.1 with the share on a FAT32 USB device
- BT : improve startup, pairing and forgetting devices
- Add support for RPI0-W
- advancemame : b*mp to 3.4 and disable keyboard to prevent a crash when no keyboard is plugged
- Timezone change fixed
- increase the number of inodes for .img
- Better upgrade information
- Update CHANGELOG.md for nicer upgrade logs
- Show progression while downloading an update
- fix lynx core name
- appleII: fix known file extensions
- adding new kernel patch to support natively xinmo 20pins usb encoder
- fix webmanager2's dependencies
- fix sound regression since handling of multiple cards
- Fix muted sound on boot
- samba: definitely remove printer support
- improve CI output + better error logging on failed build
- fix gamecon 1.2
- configgen: scummvm: added fullscreen option
- configgen: libretroConfig.py: would crash when retroarchcustom.cfg didn't exist
- configgen: added n64 to systems not supporting rewind
- configgen: Fix PPSSPP for any pad
- recalbox-manager2: add new locales, stop and restart ES works again
- Solve a bug on .img compression
- Automatically update XBox360 pads configuration for ES
- Force a 2GB root size for .img
- Compress .img in xz
- Don't forget bluetooth paired devices on upgrade
- Proper restart of Emulationstation
- add locales to recalbox-manager2
- Improve sound management when running multiple sound cards
- B*mped recalbox-manager2 to v2.0
- Carefully compare versions to verify if an update is available
- Add a generic SNES pad configuration
- Add Logitech F310 Direct Input mode configuration
- Add Logitech F310 XInput mode (which is recommended) configuration
- Upgrade retroarch config files
- Added Latvian support
- Added Luxembourgish support
- fix missing roms + configs subfolders creation
- fix recalbox.conf not being upgraded
- improve BT connectivity
- fixed black screen on systems with new configgen version
- added Czech language support
- run v2 of manager if version not found in recalbox.conf
- fixed emulationstation.forcebasicgamelistview
- add tft waveshare 3.2 and 3.5 overlays + fbcp program to support them
- add pwm-audio-pi-zero overlay to get audio thanks to PWMs through GPIO Pins 18 and 13 on an Pi Zero equivalent to dtoverlay=pwm-2chan,pin=18,func=2,pin2=13,func2=4
- new web manager
- add pwm-audio-pi-zero overlay to get audio thanks to PWMs through GPIO Pins 18 and 13 on an Pi Zero equivalent to dtoverlay=pwm-2chan,pin=18,func=2,pin2=13,func2=4
- add rgb-pi overlay
- fixed rgb-pi overlay
- checksum on upgrades, progression percentage much more accurate
- B*mp to B*mp rpi-userland 8e84b9003d8259472f9c79b385443b1b4975203e and rpi-firmware b365edad4e75126fb9bfee2325652758407e4f74 to change be able to change video résolution on the fly via the vcgencmd command. This will be very useful the get pixel perfect on rgb screen
- Fixing BT firmware copy for Realtek BT devices (81xx 87xx and 88xx)
- Fixing Makelfiles for compilation of libretro-lutro for the b*mp to release 2377dd37ad3bd37ddef9fc37742bba2531a78407
- B*mp retroarch to last release due to integration of libretro-imageviewer in its cores, and delation of the libretro-imageviewer repos
- Update Mame2003 core to get the mame2003-skip_warnings and avoid splash screen
- New emulator : PPSSPP
- Add Mayflash NES/SNES and SEGA SATURN in usbhid.conf
- Added omxplayer to enable Introduction video
- Updated recalbox-configgen to version 4.1.X
- Added linapple-pie to recalbox-rpi3_defconfig
- Added support for vice 2.4.24. This means support for commodore c64 and other commodore systems
- Added theme for commodore c64
- Added two demo ROMs for commodore c64
- Add linapple specific parameters to start fixing an issue.
- Added user's configuration files upgrade
- Merged buildroot upstream
- Added retroachievements hardcore mode
- Add omxplayer to rpi2 & rpi3 defconfig
- Add Kodi default plugins/repositories
- Improved S02splash script for video splash
- linapple-pie download redirected to LaurentMarchelli
- passed to gcc5
- Added pgrep to busybox for omxplayer extensions
- New video version and splash video now stopped when kodi is started
- Added custom ratio per game option
- Dbus implementation to have fade out effect on splash video
- Added Witty Pi powerswitch support with Wiring Pi.
- Network connection manager : ethernet configuration on wire connection
- Network connection manager : multiple wifi configurations
- Wifi : open/wep/wpa/wpa2
- New emulator : reicast
- B*mped retroarch to v1.3.4
- Added retroachievements support to fceunext core
- Reicast : add multiplayer support
- B*mp moonlight-embedded to 2.2.3, adds support for GFE 3.3
- Added enet library for moonlight-embedded-2.2.0
- Solved a bug on xarcade where B and HOTKEY were sending the same event
- Slide transition by default in ES
- Power management switch support (power,reset and LED) for pin 3/5/6
- Add ifconfig -a and /boot/recalbox-boot.conf in recalbox-support.sh
- S99Custom now trasmits its init parameter to custom.sh
- Add ipega 9021 rules
- ES now shutdowns the system
- share/roms/saves/bios available via a network point
- b*mped SDL to 2.0.4
- disable multitouch axis in SDL 2.0.4
- linux kernel b*mped to 4.4.13
- Add new Traditional Chinese Language
- Add DosBox 0.74 (rev 3989) with specific patches: SDL2, with mapping of mouse and all axis of joysticks
- Add lutro extension
- Add a recalbox.conf option to set a video mode only for es
- Add Catalan translation
- Check space left before update
- Added ColecoVison support to bluemsx libretro core
- Added the alternative N64 core GLupeN64 on rpi2/rpi3
- Added IPF format support to libretro-hatari (atarist ST)
- Reenable mp3 support for SDL2 mixer.
- Updated libretro-fba core from FBA to FBA
- Added Mad Catz C.T.R.L.R udev rules
- Add configs to recalbox-support.sh
- Add firmwares ASUS BT400 and Qualcomm Atheros AR3011 BT3.0
- S50dropbear kills existing SSH connection at stop
- Add support for PS4 Dualshock4 bluetooth controllers
- Updated gamecon driver from 1.0 to 1.2
- Solve the loading of the DB9 driver
- N64 configgen shouldn't crash anymore if some keys are not mapped
- Add xin-mo 20pins players and ipega 9028
- Add new languages : arabic dutch greek korean norwegian norwegian bokmål polish
- Support PI3 internal bluetooth via bluez5
- Add USB PS2 : GreenAsia Electronics
- PSX: .bin extentions removed (use .cue instead)
- Enable highscores for fba_libretro
- Add mame parent only dat file
- Add ipega pg 9055 rules
- Add mame parent only dat file
- Add xin-mo 18pin, mayflash N64 and correction usbhid
- Add usbhid for Retrobit Genesis to PC USB Adapter
- new arcade emulator: AdvanceMame
- 7z support for fba_libretro
- Synced with buildroot 2016.11
- Added GNU diffutils
- Now shows changelog when updating the system
- Added snes9x libretro core (MSU-1 support)
- Patched xpad driver to support Xbox One S / Elite controllers in USB mode
- Patched xpad driver to fix the blinking xbox leds
- Build on gitlab ci
- Added emulationstation.hidesystemview option in recalbox.conf to hide system view
- Added emulationstation.selectedsystem option in recalbox.conf to select a system on boot
- Added emulationstation.bootongamelist to boot on the system gamelist
- Added emulationstation.gamelistonly to improve boot time
- B*mped libretro cores on last version
- Added Japanese, Russian and Hungarian languages
- B*mped virtualgamepads version - virtualkeyboard now available
- Add usb encoder 3H-Dual-Arcade, Mayflash dreamcast adapter
- Added "Joe Contre Les Pharaons" Amstrad CPC homebrew
- Added RPI3 overclock presets + warning popup if TURBO/EXTREM
- Add support for smb and upnp protocols in Kodi
- Removed xboxdrv driver - broken since kernel's b*mp
- Deactivated rumble support in pcsx core - causes endless vibrations problems
- B*mped pcsx core - added an option to enable bios splashscreeen (may broke some games - disabled by default)
- Add usbhid quirk for AJ 2 USB 2.4G sans fil manettes (ShanWan Twin USB Joystick PS3)
- Added ScummVM on X86, X86_64, odroid c2 and odroid xu4
Nomenclature des mises à jour de recalbox :
Le numéro de version de recalbox n'est plus 4.1 mais est défini maintenant par ANNEE.MOIS.JOUR
Le déploiement des mises à jour se font maintenant plus régulièrement dans le mois comme annoncé dans le url=https://www.recalbox.com/blog/fr/post/blog-2017-10-15-after-4.1/][blogspot[/url]l'équipe applique dans ces deux points importants :
Des versions plus souvent
Vous comme nous sommes fatigués d’attendre un an entre chaque sortie de version.
Nous avons revu tout le processus et les outils pour déployer les nouveautés une par une, dans un flux d’évolution continu. La route a été longue pour rendre cela possible sans dégrader votre expérience en tant qu’utilisateur de Recalbox. Mais maintenant, tout est prêt pour renforcer votre plaisir.Canari
Dans le cas (très improbable) d’un problème lors d’une mise à jour, nous ne voudrions pas altérer toutes les recalbox du monde.
Nous avons donc mis en place un système de Canary Release. Aussitôt qu’une nouvelle version est prête, seul un petit pourcentage de recalbox sera impacté, le temps pour nous de s’assurer que tout se déroule sans problème. Ce n’est qu’après, que nous libérerons la bêteSur votre recalbox, le changelog apparaît avant chaque mise à jour, vous être libre de l'effectuer ou pas en lisant celui ci .
Nous vous conseillons d'avoir une sauvegarde de votre dossier share sur votre PC et/ou sur un support amovible autre que votre recalbox.Changelog 2017.11
[17.11.02] - 2017-11-02
- add upgrade logs to the support archive
- bugfix: all bt pads were forced a udev rule
- increase BT detection time to 15s, log connect process
- use the right device GUID for PPSSPP
- now respect pad order in ES for PPSSPP
- force SDL2 retrarch input driver for moga pro
- moonlight: solve a configgen bug preventing from playing
- Switch to versionning based on YEAR.MONTH.DAY (17.10.21) for the recalbox released on October 21th 2017
- Fixed security option impossible to disable
- X86: added Marvell Wifi-Ex 8801 USB & Intel Wireless Bluetooth firmwares
- BlueMSX: changed default core-options (MSX2/60Hz/ym2413=enabled)
- Pad: added Moga Pro 2 HID default mapping
[] - 2017-11-10
- Fixed hyperion libraries
[17.11.10] - 2017-11-10
- New pads : Nintendo Wii U and Switch Pro Controller, 8bitdo FC30 Arcade (BT and USB), Thrustmaster T Mini Wireless
- Pad: added Orange Controller default mapping
- scummvm: support the .scummvm extension directories. Still need the .scummvm file inside
- Added hyperion support
- Add usbhid quirk for GamepadBlock
- Lynx: added libretro-handy core (by default)
Changelog complet disponible en téléchargement: https://archive.recalbox.com/v1/upgrade/rpi3/recalbox.changelog?source=install
Retrouvez plus d'informations sur le blog de recalbox : https://www.recalbox.com/blog/fr/