Bravo, jolie boulot !
[Recalbox 9] Theme Epic Noir
I have adapted the Epic Noir theme and made it available for Recalbox, heavily inspired by the one created by Chicuelo for Retropie.
The indicator system doesn't change position for now.
- Dark mode theme
- Multilingual (en, fr, es)
- 125+ systems
- 540p
- 720p
- 16/9
DOWNLOAD epicnoir-recalbox-theme
GitHub: -
Malixx 2 Aug 2023, 18:35
Malixx 2 Aug 2023, 18:37
Many thanks for your contribution.
I add the theme to our dedicated wiki page. information, the theme does not include the following systems, which does not prevent you from using it and playing it:
- Arduboy
- Apple Macintosh
- Philips VG-5000
- WASM-4
- Z-Machine
In addition, the theme does not support gameclips and disables original music (just add yours).
Will a theme update take place?
Un grand merci pour ta contribution.
Je rajoute le thème dans notre page wiki dédié. information, le thème n'inclu pas les systèmes suivants, ce qui n'empèche pas de l'utiliser et d'y jouer :
- Arduboy
- Apple Macintosh
- Philips VG 5000
- WASM-4
- Z-Machine
De plus, le thème ne prends pas en charge les gameclip et désactive les musiques d'origine (juste à rajouter les votres).
Une MAJ du thème aura t'elle lieu ?
@M__a__a__x Merci ! Du coup oui, je mettrai à jour le thème prochainement pour rajouter les systèmes manquants.
Bravo, jolie boulot !
@Malixx Merci pour ta participation et pour un theme de plus. Abondance de biens ne nuit pas
Hi when i put the theme in share/themes or something it shows up in recalbox settings but when I select the theme and restart it gives me no images and messed up game selection.
images here: taken with iphone so forgive the bad quality. Running on very old monitor to smooth out bugs before I finish my arcade cab assembly. -
@yamcrunchy also it is recalbox 9.1
@yamcrunchy Never mind fixed because i unzipped into share/themes but the epic noir theme folder was in another folder which was inside themes. taking the noir folder out and putting it in the themes folder fixed it. very happy with result
- 6 months later
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