Pi400 Problems with Amiberry
Hello dear People
Yesterday, after some Time, I brought Recalbox back into Shape on my Pi400 (v8.1.1) and tried out some of the good old Amiga Gems. I ran into an annoying Problem and a less annoying Problem that I don't think were there before. At least I can't remember.
First the less annoying: In almost all Games that I have tried, the sound effects are played with a delay. I'd like to know if there's anything I can/need to permanently change in Amiberry that fixes this Annoyance.
The far bigger Problem: Amiberry creates an autoboot File for each individual game in /tmp/amiga/whdboot/save-data/Autoboots, which disappears the next time the System is restarted. They weren't previously created in a temporary Directory, or am I wrong? Can I get Amiberry to put them somewhere else? Some autoboot Files still have to be edited by Hand (e.g. Custom 1=2 has to be appended to the WHDLoad-Historyline 1914-1918 so that it starts at all), so it's extremely annoying to have to do this every Time.
I would be very grateful for quick Help -