9 Oct 2022, 13:03


After Google anounced that they will shut down stadia in january 2023, i'm looking how i can use the Stadia-Controllers in the future. Because they're using HID-standard, i thought it'll be easy to use them with recalbox.

So i did some tests.
The controllers are correctliy recognized (Google LLC Stadia Controller Rev. A) in recalbox.
During configure the controllers via Main Menu / Controller Settings, everything looked fine. Basically the controllers works fine all the time i'm in the recalbox menu.
But every time i'm starting a game, i have to turn the stadia-controller off and on again, befor it's usable in game.
My 8bitDo-Controllers (SFC30, SN30Pro+) does not have this property, they work fine all the time.

Is this a known bug?
And is there a solution / workaround for this?

I'm using recalbox on a x64-system with a Intel Core i5-4590T and 8GB RAM.
