1 Apr 2019, 13:04


I'd like to add cummulate games in each one folder/system as follows:

Folder/system "megadrive":

  • Sega Megadrive games (.gen, .md,... files)
  • Sega Mega-CD games (.bin, . cue,... files)
  • Sega 32x games (.32x files)

Folder/system "pcengine":

  • PC Engine games (.pce files)
  • PC Engine CD games (.bin, . cue,... files)
  • SuperGrafx games (.pce files)

The reason I want to do this is that the theme I use needs too much RAM on Pi, if I activate too many systems. So I had to remove some systems to make ES running smoothly again.
And as Mega-CD, 32x, PC Engine CD, etc. are only addons of main consoles, my idea was to cummulate them in these 2 "main systems" written above and solve the problem this way.

It seems that emulator is the same for both systems and its sub-systems (add-ons), but I guess my plan won't work without any modification? Just tried SuperGrafx yet because of same file extension - this seems to work in folder "pcegine" though!

Thanks for your help!