29 Jan 2019, 12:33

@myst said in Next Pixel theme:


compressed 1080p backgrounds for performance optimization on Pi3
(because quality still looks better than 720p version and images are smaller)

Memory footprint is a matter of resolution not compression, compressing an image may just lead to more time injecting it into graphics GPU but of course you'll save some disk space.

Thanks for info, didn't know that. I thought about it might take more time to read all the data from SD card, especially with Pi's slow USB 2.0 interface.

replaced audio file of system psp by a louder version
(still don't know how to normalize a bunch of ogg-files to same volume level, I had to do it with mp3 and converted it afterwards)

Musics should all be normalized (using audition), maybe i forgot this one

custom.xml of most systems (France -> Europe, etc.)
(I modified text of MAME and fba_libretro system a little too)

good catch i 'll remove or replace with europe next time (by the way from theme options system infos can be removed)

in this case i also recognized that not all information is shown, only 4 lines. other lines in custom.xml are ignored (no problem for me, but I think to remember at MAME, etc. there will be sentences cut)

replaced content in data-folder with files previous version 0.3
(can't tell, but I liked the clean gamelist view of version 0.3 much more, so I reactivated this one + compressed backgrounds like there too)

Sad to hear i'll see if i can do something better next time

Sorry, should not be a genreral negative feedback, everbody is differnent. But gamelist text looked too small and pixels around the list are not such a good border for me than the clean version before. Maybe you and others like the new design better, it's no problem for me to use the old one 😉
