Thanks! I've got it figured out, so I'll post what I know.
Basically, it's the same as overclocking in RPi OS.
Edit the config file with: nano /boot/config.txt
I used SSH to login to my box, but you could edit that file with a text editor on another system as well.
On my Raspberry Pi 400 I used the following:
Raising the Minimum to 900 seems to make things a little smoother. I might try raising that some more later.
I was also having some audio stuttering in a couple of games so I adjusted:
Originally it was =514
I've also heard you can try a =0
You can verify your speed with: watch -n 2 vcgencmd measure_clock arm
That shows you the speed the CPU is running at ever 2 seconds.
Overall, it's just like overclocking in Raspberry Pi OS