Hi, so I've been trying to get my audio to not lag on my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I've got this image as my Recalbox install: https://archive.recalbox.com/v1/upgrade/rpi3/recalbox.img.xz
I've currently got audio going through my HDMI using hdmi_drive=2 in my config file, and I can get my audio to be lag free unless there is a lot of stuff happening (I.E. I can get my NES emulator to have lagless audio in Mario 3's title screen, but in level 1-1 I end up with lag. Likewise I can get lagless audio on my PS1 emulator in Guilty Gear, but if I spam "Respect" I can create lag that lasts a little bit.
I'm trying to configure it so my emulators don't desync audio and video. Even if it means more input or video lag, but I noticed any change I made to retroarch.cfg by opening a game then pressing hotkey + B and then hitting back, going to settings (global) and changing something in audio would make my audio a lot more laggy.
After a while I noticed that the retroarch.cfg was the fastest audio, and then wondered if just making a change to retroarch.cfg would make audio lag. I deleted retroarch.cfg and rebooted, and then on the newly created retroarch.cfg I loaded Mario 3 and tested the audio: lagless until lots of stuff happening. Then, I used the Retroarch menu (hotkey + B)and changed the video resolution from 1:1 to 1:2 and saved the retroarch.cfg. Saved it, and restarted retroarch. I now had audio lag.
Finally I deleted retroarch.cfg again and rebooted. I opened Mario 3 and tested. No audio lag. I then pressed hotkey + B and used the menu to write a save state, and restarted Retroarch. I now had Audio lag again.
Can someone let me know why this might be happening, and when it'll be fixed? I'm really picky about my audio sync, so Recalbox is pretty much unplayable to me until this can be fixed. If I can run Soul Reaver on my Pi 3B I should be able to run Mario 3 without audio lag, ight?