@recstone published, thank you
Helps us to translate tuto videos
Tutorial 2 and 4: Subtitle in brazilian portuguese sent, awaiting approve.
@IVO-THE-HEDGEHOG Great, published, thank you.
Tutorial 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11: Subtitle in brazilian portuguese sent, awaiting approve.
Tutorial 6: Awaiting english subtitle.
Tutorial 7: Sent, but awaiting english subtitle for a better revise. -
Subs in FR for Tuto 06 done and awaiting validation
pending subtitles merged. Thank you guys (sorry, I'm afk for the moment)
tuto 10 + tuto 11 (RU) done
@recstone published, thank you
@rockaddicted tuto 11 (ES) done!
@ishim7924 thank you, published.
I didn't see your post before ... -
This post is deleted!