[Recalbox 9] Theme Next Pixel
@lhari84 nice to hear, anyway i'll add a new 480p package for users using lots of systems, after running some tests 480p looks ok.
Salut et merci pour ce superbe thème (mon préféré de tous).
Je rencontre une problème avec la RC3 de strodown (version avec les drivers nvidia). Donc sur la version pc.
quand j'ai appliqué le thème et que je reboot ça fonctionne mais dès que je déplace mes roms et que je reboot j'ai ça :
Le thème a disparu, mes roms aussi et l'interface fait ça à chaque démarrage. Obligé de remapper le gamepad à chaque fois et ensuite l'interface est toujours comme sur les photos.
Sans mettre le thème aucun problème -
@reflectedsoul Hello, que veux tu par dire "dès que je déplace mes roms"? si tu veux dire que tu passes de internal à external avec une clé usb c'est normal que tu perdes tous si tu n'a pas configuré ta clé usb (les roms/thèmes/pad que tu configures dans internal ne se répercutent pas dans external et inversement).
@myst non je suis bien en interne, je me connect simplement en reseau via un autre pc afin de déplacer mes roms et ensuite je reboot.
J'ai réinstallé 3 fois et 3 fois pareil mais je viens de voir sur le topic de la version nvidia qu'un autre utilisateur rencontre le même problème et ce même sans changer de thème donc à voir si le problème est vraiment le thème ou juste une coïncidence que ça arrive après après avoir changé de thème....là j'ai refait une install en laissant le thème d'origine, je vais mettre toutes mes roms et voir si c'est stable ou si l'interface replante...
@reflectedsoul En effet je pense pas que le thème soit fautif pour ton pb
@reflectedsoul bon ça a replanté ce matin et sans mettre le thème par conséquent ça ne vient pas de ça. Je retourne dans le topic adéquat.
Let's celebrate Recalbox 6.0, Next Pixel 1.0 is out today!
It's been a long way to get here, didn't thought i 'll do that much work with this theme but here we are it's time to release 1.0 with all systems now supported. This release was focused on fine tuning, i modified some existing game themes as well (imageviewer now have its own image, atari5200/lynx have a new game theme, ...). I moved some files from system folders so it's now easier to move a game theme to another system (check documentation).
For Raspberry users i added a new 480p package that should work well if you're using a lot of systems to avoid memory issues (of course images will look less sharp but i'm using a 4K screen monitor and i can tell you it's still ok for me with 480p images).Enyoy!
- Add channelf support
- Add oric support
- Add to8 support
- Add lots of custom rating icons matching system game theme (some already done may have changed as well)
- Change atari5200 game theme
- Change lynx game theme (old one still available as alternative)
- Change imageviewer (screenshots) theme so it has now a different one from favorites
- Change a bit favorites image
- Fix some us/jp logos/controllers position from gamelist view
- Merge several changes from recalbox next theme logos and game/consolegame images
- Move rating icons to system root folder to make it easier to move game theme to another system (see doc to get more info)
- Add 480p (16:9) package for raspberry users using lots of systems and having memory issues.
@myst great job ! thanx 4 all the job i'll try it this evening !
Thanks again for your amazing work!
I'll install it tomorrow as soon as 6.0 is released. I'm still very happy with your theme, really loving it! -
Merci beaucoup!
@myst A big THANK YOU for doing this great job!! will install it this evening too
Hi @myst, now i did following to optimize both quality and memory consumtion on pi:
i merged 480p version with just main backgrounds from 720p version (background.jpg, background_legacy.jpg and background_wheel.jpg).
can't see much difference in gamelist view and so on, but have the beautiful backgrounds in high-res in system overview then.if you like my idea, maybe you can use it for a future "pi hq memory saving version"?
too be precise, i did vice versa: i used 720p version and changed all files of systems i use to 480p version. - except: background.jpg, background_legacy.jpg and background_wheel.jpg -
I tried the 480p theme it's already amazing. Good work ! Only missing a few musics by a former amiga musician lol
Thx for your feeback guys!
@lhari84 said in Next Pixel theme:
if you like my idea, maybe you can use it for a future "pi hq memory saving version"?
I must say i was thinking about it since gamelist view images are darker they could have a lower resolution. I need to think more about it to make a decision though, but nice catch!
@scavy said in Next Pixel theme:
I tried the 480p theme it's already amazing. Good work ! Only missing a few musics by a former amiga musician lol
I'm still opened for discussion when you have time
Last but not least i forgot to thank @paradadf for all my inital post editing
and his work for console/controller images and of course recalbox team fot his amazing work on recalbox 6.0!
I have one more question about copying one system to another one:in which file are graphics for game rating stored?
and is there a special graphic for pcenginecd (related to castlevania?)
currently after copying suggested files from manual from pcenginecd to pcengine, i just see hearts as rating graphics. and i guess they come from game bonk (pcengine) and not castlevania (pcenginecd)
Thanks -
@lhari84 rating files are located in system folder along with background images (icon_empty.svg, icon_filled.svg). Pcenginecd game theme has no custom rating files , it uses default "star" image, so it weird you still got heart icon from pcengine. These are 2 problems i can think of:
- You have copy data folder from pcenginecd along with files (but you should see wrong logo/console images as well)
- You are not using the last theme version since before 1.0 rating images where located in system/data folder
@myst I guess it‘s because i just copied backgrounds and sound. did not want to replace too much, as i didn‘t want system pictures, etc. change to pcenginecd. i‘ll try, thanks for info.
as these rating files are so small, i’m wondering even more about a weird problem i still have: when i quit an emulator, ONLY these rating graphics are white blocks for a short time sometimes... after not more than one second when left emulator, they are shown properly again. on the other hand no problem with other, big graphics like backgrounds. so can‘t be a memory issue all. maybe an es-thing?
it‘s the only disturbing issue left, everything else is fine now, both with theme 1.0 and rb 6.0. maybe @paradadf has an idea? -
Super thème magnifique et avec la résolution 480p c est génial aucun plantage pour l instant sur le pi3b+ overclocké a 1.450. Je ferai quand même des test avec les résolutions 720p et 1080p. On sait jamais hehehehe en tout cas magnifique travail