XBOX One USB Controller von JAMSWALL
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Erstelle mal bitte ein Support-Archiv, eventuell kann man dort etwas mehr sehen.
Dann auf Support oder Hilfe
Jetzt das Recalbox-support Skript starten und uns hier den Link zur Verfügung stellen. -
Danke schon mal
Ich werde das heute nicht mehr schaffen. Ich schaue mir das morgen an.
Falls du bis dahin neue Erkenntnisse gewonnen hast, her damit -
kein Problem,Muss auch gleich los, hab noch bisschen rumprobiert, aber keine resultate
Danke dir nochmals
Schönen Abend noch -
Hi, sorry, I don't speak german. Can we switch in english ?
have you anything else plugged on your usb ports ? keyboard, etc ? -
Sure, sry
Yes i have plugged in a Keyboard to enter the menu
Nothing Else -
the famous microsoft keyboard.
I can see taht your gamepad is recognized by system, but crash during boot.
can you try to only plug your gamepad (no keybard etc...) then boot your recalbox.
check if that work, and please make a new support archive. -
I will try that as soon as im home from Work
Here my new support script file
thank you
And its not working removing the Keyboard and just plug in the controller
@xqp thank, but I really don't know why your gamepad don't work with xpad driver.
It has the vendor/product id that a standard microsoft padidVendor=045e, idProduct=02d1
, system recognized it, but driver seems to crash.Do you have a standard/official xbox one gamepad ?
No i dont have one,
i just bought that one
i dont even have a Xbox one
i use this on my PCThank you so much
but if there is no way to get that working
ill just buy another one