wifi extra profiles STILL do not work
on CM4 e-mmc
latest recalbox 9.2+ on retroflag case2I tested this on both the older 9.1 and now the newer 9.2 with updates.
This retroflag case 2 is being used mostly as a media player.If you add extra wifi networks to connect to, which are not entered by the gaming console with SSID and password (it allows an extra 2 in the .conf file, which you can edit) the extra ones STILL don't connect.
PLS can you explain why?FYI.
In Kodi it is now possible to get youtube working via wifi.
The output at 720p can be really good with HDMI sound and good quality video on a big HDMI screen via the DOCK.
nabviI don't know why google made this so difficult but here it is.
It has to use youtubeTV as a possibility.
Nav is all ok via the 8081 port interface or direct on the TV with a keyboard/mouse.Not all youtube videos work but that may be down to Kodi.
If you add the following possibility "YouTube on TV has some access to your Google Account". - You have to log in 2x and approve access of the device to the google account.
This entails adding profiles and secret passwords to the google account.
The hassle is worthwhile, because samba makes it possible to upload videos to playback on this retroflag case 2.The Li-ion onboard battery makes using a CM4 on any other support a nonsense.
This is basically the only raspberry pi device you can use in a car - especially if you have an AUX jack input on the car radio, and a wifi access point in car.
The battery can be kept topped up simply from a cigarette lighter adaptor. -